Monday, 29 June 2015

Fledglings leave the nest, eggs hatch, nest building begins

A busy time at Union Hill 

Bluebird Box #2

June has been a busy month on my one acre.  The fledglings left the nest (box#2) on June 12 - I was gone most of the day so only saw a couple of them leave.  The others checked out while I wasn't looking.  Mom and Pop have been busy feeding them but at the same time keeping one eye on their box.  Dad returns every few days to perch on it  for a little while as if to let all other prospective tenants know that this is his property.
Yesterday nest building started again - 16 days after the fledglings left the nest, .   I haven't seen the fledglings from this brood yet.  I don't feed this couple so there's no coming back everyday for meal worms. This box is a box of their choosing - without any coaxing from a human - it feels good to know they're having a successful breeding season without any interference from me.

Box #2 and nest #2

Bluebird Box #1

Life is also busy around this box.  The chicks from brood #2 hatched on June 20 (all five of them) and Mom and Pop have been busy feeding them.  The little fledglings from brood #1 still visit my back yard often.  They continue to perch on top of the box and only get chased away when they try to take a peek inside the hole.  Eventually I'm sure they'll be encouraged to find their own territory. 

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Eggs hatched in box #2 - and eggs laid in box #1

Bluebird Box #2

My front yard Bluebirds are busy feeding their growing chicks in box #2 and I'm expecting them to leave the nest in the next couple of days.  No signs yet of them popping up at the hole to check out the world beyond the box,  but I'm not sure exactly when they hatched.  They usually leave the nest by day 17 and I'm thinking that must be quite close.

Bluebird Box #1

The fledglings have now been out of the box for 1 month and Lady Blue has just started to incubate 5 new little bluebird eggs.  The photos below were taken yesterday - two of the fledglings snuggling on top of the box, and probably remembering how close they used to be in the box endearing :)

Fledglings - one month out of the nest

"Remember when we lived in this box".......

Freshly laid eggs - ready for brood #2

You can't help but be captivated by these little birds ......