A busy time at Union Hill
Bluebird Box #2June has been a busy month on my one acre. The fledglings left the nest (box#2) on June 12 - I was gone most of the day so only saw a couple of them leave. The others checked out while I wasn't looking. Mom and Pop have been busy feeding them but at the same time keeping one eye on their box. Dad returns every few days to perch on it for a little while as if to let all other prospective tenants know that this is his property.
Yesterday nest building started again - 16 days after the fledglings left the nest, . I haven't seen the fledglings from this brood yet. I don't feed this couple so there's no coming back everyday for meal worms. This box is a box of their choosing - without any coaxing from a human - it feels good to know they're having a successful breeding season without any interference from me.
Box #2 and nest #2 |
Bluebird Box #1
Life is also busy around this box. The chicks from brood #2 hatched on June 20 (all five of them) and Mom and Pop have been busy feeding them. The little fledglings from brood #1 still visit my back yard often. They continue to perch on top of the box and only get chased away when they try to take a peek inside the hole. Eventually I'm sure they'll be encouraged to find their own territory.