Friday, 24 April 2015

What a difference a day can make .......

Five little one day old Chickadee chicks
 I began to notice more activity around the chickadees nest yesterday and sure enough the eggs had hatched - all five of them.  There's also a mocking bird that perches close to the Chickadees nest box.  I've seen him chase off big crows but I've also seen him chase off the Chickadees - not a good thing.  It's a tough world out there for these little birds.

 Lady Blue was still incubating the eggs this morning, then this afternoon while making lunch at my kitchen window (perfect timing!)  I noticed Mr. Blue fly into the nest box leaving behind what looked like a grasshopper caught in the hole.  It didn't stay stuck very long - one yank and it was in the box! Next came a flurry of activity - both birds in and out and that's when I snapped the photo of them exiting and entering at the same time !!  They are so fascinating to watch . Definitely eggs hatching, and both wanted to see .....  
Excuse me......coming through !

Later in the day I also had to take a peek.  There wasn't much activity - just fresh from their eggs - but tomorrow I'm sure it will be a different story.

Little Bluebirds - just a few hours old

Sunday, 19 April 2015

Still incubating..... Bluebirds and Chickadees

I checked the Chickadees nest box yesterday and it's still home to  5 little speckled eggs.  The chickadees' comings and goings are hard for me to follow as their box is at the front of the house and not visible from my kitchen window where I observe most of the bird activity in my back yard.  But after seeing the eggs in the box I sat and watched for a while and sure enough a little Chickadee flew back to continue the incubation.  The incubation period for Chickadees is 12-13 days - about the same time as  Bluebirds so I may have babies in both boxes about the same time.  

Lady Blue still incubating her eggs


I thought I'd post a photograph of a Chickadee while waiting for the eggs to hatch but don't have many to choose from - probably because they flit and fly so quickly.  But I did find these taken during the ice storm in February, and coincidentally, a photo of both a chickadee and bluebird on the same feeder ................
I wonder if these two  are part of the nesting pairs today :

Chickadee and Bluebird 

When I first became interested in the amazing little Bluebirds I read many times that they seldom come to feeders (except for those with mealworms) so this winter, during a sudden onset ice storm, I was surprised to see them enjoying the nuts and berries in the mixed bird food.......and also the peanut suet !

Friday, 10 April 2015

Eggs in the nests..... and other signs of Spring

Five speckled Chickadee eggs

Chickadee nest ......

Five Bluebird eggs

Bluebird nest...

And the little Hummingbirds are back - perching quite contentedly on my deck furniture 

Ruby Throat Hummingbird

And a proud little Mr. Bluebird surveying his territory from the popular peachtree stump.

Mr Blue 

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Serious Nest Building .....

My bluebird couple started building their nest about 5 days ago, but only a couple of pine needles a day.  Today, things changed.  Lady Blue was in and out of the nest with pine needles and Daddy Blue was close by supervising and encouraging .......I saw him fly into the box with a bug in his mouth for Lady B but she wasn't in the box. And when he came out she had a mouthful of pine needles!! I guess he ate the bug !!