There has been a lot of activity around my two bluebird nest boxes during the past 2 weeks. I'm happy to say that all 5 fledglings left nest box #1 on May 11. I was fortunate enough to see 2 leave in the morning and 2 stragglers much later in the day. I was gone for several hours in between so I'm assuming #3 left during my absence, Since then Mom and Pop have been feeding the little ones high in the tree tops behind my house. I put a few meal worms out each morning and Lady Blue usually comes for them, and with her beak full flies off in the direction of the tree they're in.
The past couple of days I've seen a couple of the fledglings follow Lady Blue to the meal worm feeder. They perch and then fly away quickly so I wasn't able to get any photos. Today though they perched for a longer period of time and I was able to get a couple .....
Blue Bird Fledgling |
This cute little fledgling is 2 weeks old and still dependent on it's parents for food, but not for long. Soon it will be getting it's own insects and worms and Mom and Pop will start building a new nest and start all over again with brood #2.
Four eggs were laid in nest box #2. Lady Blue #2 has been incubating them for the past 14 days and I think they may have hatched yesterday as both Mom and Pop have been going in and out of the box. I'll try and sneak a peek tomorrow while Lady Blue is out of the box and maybe get a photo..